HPD Southwest Substation
City of Houston
Police Station 49,577 SF | Maintenance Building 7,725 SF
Roth Sheppard
2020 AIA Houston Design Award
The Southwest Police station builds on the success of the South Gessner station. The site covers 14 acres, and the project is a collaboration between Houston Parks Department and Fleet Services. The property was donated by the parks department and is part of a larger city park with a running track, and sports fields. The project also includes a large community playground and a vehicle maintenance facility with fueling island and car wash. Fleet services will use this facility to service HPD vehicles.
Tilt-wall concrete is used in for the structure and building envelope. The low cost material is ideal for police as eight inches of concrete provides ballistic resistance and security. We did not put a finish on the concrete and instead our design showcases the natural look of concrete and providing a maintenance free building envelope.
This project is 15% more efficient than ASHREA 90.1 requirements and will cost the city significantly less money to operate than their current facility. We achieved this through proper building orientation, continuous insulation throughout the exterior envelope, high performance HVAC system, and LED lighting. The building is LEED Certified.