Airports are our city’s gateways. They give visitors a first impression of our region and a glimpse into the local culture and heritage. Airports are much more than transportation centers; they are also food courts, retail centers, art galleries, and economic development centers.
As the aging aviation infrastructure undergoes modernization, RDLR looks to elevate the passenger experience by injecting airports with local flavor that captures the spirit of the place through iconic and culturally relevant architectural design.

IAH Airport FIS Renovation and Expansion
IAH Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS)
IAH Automatic People Mover (APM) Phase II
IAH Terminal A Secure Bridge Connector & Automatic People Mover (APM) III

IAH Terminal B Redevelopment

IAH Terminal D Restroom Renovations
Houston Airport System Task Order Projects
IAH Terminal B Garage Repairs
TSA & HPD Bunker and K-9 Facility
IAH Terminal A&B Garage Connector
British Airways Break Room Renovation
IAH Terminal A/B Pedestrian Connectors (w/ HNTB)
IAH Terminal A/B Exterior Renovations (w/ Gensler)
IAH Terminal A Secure Bridge Connector & APM III (w/HOK and Leigh + Elliot)
IAH APM II & Terminal D/FIS Building Station (w/Leigh + Elliot)
IAH Terminal A Door Replacement (Arrivals & Departures) & Vestibule Exp.
IAH Terminal A Departures Level Starbucks Kiosk Removal
IAH Terminal A Gate A20 Modifications
IAH Terminal B Flight Station 8 (SE) Bus Station (now demolished)
IAH Terminal B Parking Garage Renovation & Repair
IAH Terminal C Garage Expansion
IAH Terminal C Security Renovation
IAH Terminal C South Concourse Bus Station
IAH Terminal C North Concourse Bus Station (w/ Lea+Elliott)
IAH Terminal D Gate 6, 8, & 10 PCAir Replacement
IAH Terminal D Restroom Renovations
IAH Mickey Leland International Terminal D
IAH ICC Relocation
IAH Inter-Terminal Train (ITT) Tunnel Repairs
IAH Strategic Plan (w/ Ricondo & Associates)
Development of Initial HAS Civic Art Program
IAH Emirate Airlines (w/HNTB)
IAH Emirate Airlines Ticketing Counters
IAH Master Plan 2035 (w/ LeighFisher)
IAH Airport Federal Inspection Services (FIS) Reno. and Expansion (w/ HOK)
IAH Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) (w/ Fentress)
Hobby Airport Restroom Renovations
HAS Eco Park Canopy (w/Othon)
HAS TSA, HPD Bunker, K-9 Relocation
HAS IDIQ Projects
HAS Harmony in the Air Performance Platforms (4 total)